Tired of deal slippage?
Close X2 more deals...X2 quicker!

For B2B companies with clients internationally.
Use our sales closers (to boost your closing rate by at least 100%,
and cut your sales cycle in half.)
Leverage our neuroscience-based methodology and our focus on data and clear objectives setting to achieve these results.

All these companies Trust us and you are next!


The Problem

Deal Slippage

Caution Slippery!
Is this a mention posted on your pipeline?
90% of the chances are that you move at least 50% of your deals from this quarter to the next one.

Preventing it starts from the beginning of the sales cycle!

L’image doit etre une visualization de la situation avant/après


The benefit

Sales closers

Your sales team needs a boost!

Your lead qualification process and your sales objectives and scorecards might need to be revised first!

This simple first step can lead you to exceed your annual objective.

we offer

OUr Methodology


NFT Smart Contrat On Blockchain

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NFT Smart Contrat On Blockchain

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NFT Smart Contrat On Blockchain

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our team/partners

Our founder

Charaf El Bellai Managing Director
With more than 14 years in B2B Sales and with experience globally, Charaf has developped a proven system that led him to close more than USD 30Million in contracts for his clients.


How do we start working with you?

First, we need to check if your company is the right fit for our system.
In the first 15min call we will ask you basic questions about your business and you will get an answer at the end of the call.

What is the first step of your methodology?

It all starts with and audit of your existing processes.
We run your CEO or founder through a list of questions to know how the company is runs and then we give a list of recommendations, if any. 

Then, you start implementing them to reach your desired results.

Can you build an AI agent to create leads?

Our seasoned developers can create a specific tool for your company, suiting your industry practices to give you the best results!